Why the plants are green ?

The green color in plants is due to the presence of chlorophyll, whose mission is to help plants breathe and feed. Most of the species that make up the wide and varied plant kingdom are green due to the presence of a pigment called “chlorophyll”.
This can form in roots, stems, leaves and fruits, and does not disappear although at certain times of the year (in autumn, for countries that have seasons), other tones appear on the leaves such as yellows, oranges and reds.

What is the mission of chlorophyll?
Although chlorophyll dyes plants green, its main mission is to help plants breathe and feed, as it is responsible for absorbing the sunlight necessary to carry out photosynthesis, that chemical process through which they absorb carbon dioxide from the body. the atmosphere (CO2), combine it with water and transform it into oxygen. That is why photosynthesis is necessary for the life of animals, plants and humans.

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